Every 90 seconds, a burglary occurs in the United Kingdom, and a large percentage of those break-ins happen to residential properties. A burglary is traumatizing for the victims, but it can also be frightening for your neighbours. If a burglary occurs in on your street, count yourself lucky that your household wasn't the target this time and take the following steps.
1. Lend a Hand to Your Neighbours
In the aftermath of a burglary, your neighbours are likely scared and upset. Their property has possibly been damaged and their sense of security and personal space has been violated. You can help your neighbours cope by reminding them they are not alone in the recovery process. Offer to help them clean up and repair any damages.
Together with your neighbours, you may consider implementing a neighbourhood watch scheme. By looking out for one another’s homes, keeping your eye out for suspicious activity, and checking in on a neighbour’s home when they are on holiday, you and your neighbours may feel more secure. Your local safer neighbourhood team police constable can point you in the right direction for crime prevention tips and help.
2. Talk with Your Family
If you have children, talk with them about how they are feeling in reaction to the burglary. They may be worried about a burglary happening to their own home, or they may wonder why burglaries happen in the first place. As a family, have an open conversation about the burglary that occurred and let your children share their reactions and any concerns they have.
You can also take this time to remind your children about safety basics, including never opening the door to strangers. Consider establishing a neighbourhood “safe house” where your children can go if they feel unsafe when home alone. Make sure this home is within easy walking distance and that the family is one with which your children are comfortable.
3. Update the Security of Your Home
After a burglary within close proximity to your home, you may not feel as safe in your own home. Burglars often return to homes and areas where they have been successful, so take proper precautions by securing your home to help prevent a burglary from happening. Start by updating your door locks. Make sure the frames and hinges are strong and that you have a deadbolt on the front door. If any exterior locks have started to rust or are outdated, update them to stronger and more modern options. Next, ensure all your windows have locks on them and can be securely closed, even those on the second floor. If you don’t already have a home security system in place, start exploring available options within your budget.
Next Steps
While a neighbourhood burglary is frightening, don’t let fear consume your community. By supporting your neighbours, ensuring your family knows the basics of safety, and installing home security measures, you can help protect your home. For a free, no obligation security survey contact us today on 0203 488 1699 or visit www.hensonsecurity.com and request a survey.